Walk Along Not Alone: A Persuasive Board Game for End-of-Life Preparation

Introducing a Friendly and Structured Approach to Ageing and End-of-Life

By Peixin Wang

Ageing in a different culture can feel like walking in a jungle full of obstacles, especially for elderly immigrants. The disparities in health literacy, values, and economic and physical conditions pose unique challenges for them. To address this issue, designer Peixin Wang has created "Walk Along Not Alone," a persuasive board game that aims to help elderly Chinese immigrants in the Netherlands cope with ageing and end-of-life preparation.

This innovative board game offers practical information and creates a comfortable atmosphere for discussing the end of life. Through gameplay, players learn about topics such as seeking medical treatment, care options, and living arrangements in the last phase of life. They also unlock information about healthy living, hospice services, and last wishes. By answering questions and completing tasks in the game, players gain new insights and think about their own preferences.

The game is designed for multiple elderly players, who each use a character to navigate through the game. By playing in character and engaging in interactive tasks, players gradually immerse themselves in the context of end-of-life preparation. The game provides a structured approach to exploring the challenges and decisions that come with ageing, fostering understanding and confidence among players.

One of the strengths of "Walk Along Not Alone" is its adaptability. The game can be easily updated with new information and knowledge input, making it a valuable tool for addressing the specific needs of different immigrant groups. The design process involved solid research, iterative development, and testing to ensure the game's effectiveness and relevance.

The game kit includes a game board, character cards, tips capsule cards, and pawns. The game board and cards were created using Adobe Illustrator and SketchBook. The size of the game board is A2 (594mm*420mm), and the kit is available in both Chinese and English versions.

Peixin Wang's "Walk Along Not Alone" project started in April 2020 and was completed in October 2020 in the Netherlands. It was developed as a graduation project at the Delft University of Technology, in collaboration with Pharos, the Dutch Centre of Expertise on Health Disparities.

This innovative board game has received recognition for its social impact and creative ingenuity. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Social Design category in 2021. The game's ability to authentically address the experience and resourcefulness of elderly immigrants, while incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, sets it apart as a valuable contribution to improving the quality of life for this demographic.

With "Walk Along Not Alone," Peixin Wang has created a unique and impactful tool that empowers elderly Chinese immigrants to navigate the complexities of ageing and end-of-life preparation. By providing a structured and engaging approach, this persuasive board game offers a pathway to a better-prepared and more confident future.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Peixin Wang
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Peixin Wang, 2020. Image #2: Photographer Peixin Wang, 2020. Image #3: Photographer Peixin Wang, 2020. Image #4: Photographer Peixin Wang, 2020. Image #5: Photographer Peixin Wang, 2020.
Project Team Members: Supervisor: Marieke Sonneveld Supervisor: Annemiek van Boeijen Company mentor: Gudule Boland
Project Name: Walk Along Not Alone
Project Client: Peixin Wang

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Walk Along Not Alone IMG #5

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